Roulette is one of the most popular casino games online that will entertain you Wow Macro Equip Trinket Slot for hours! Choose your lucky numbers and start spinning the wheel. Choose your lucky numbers and start spinning the wheel. Trinket 'Clumsy Boy'. Slot 1: Beige Back Half Patch (100%) Slot 2: Cream Underbelly (90%). Company number 09846917 registered in England & Wales. Many ascended trinkets, especially those with predefined prefixes, come in multiple varieties that are identical with the exception of their names and icons.This is a remnant from before the July 26, 2016 update when infusions and their slots were separated into different subtypes (offensive, defensive, utility, versatile) and each individual trinket provided a different type of. Trinkets are a category of items introduced in Season 4 and the preseason. They are placed in the trinket slot, which is independent from the player's main inventory and can only hold trinket items.1 1 Purchasing and Selling Trinkets 2 Upgrades 3 Basic Trinkets 4 Advanced Trinkets 5 Other trinkets 6 Strategy 7 Limitations 8 Trivia 9 References 10 List of Items Trinkets can be found in the. Trinket 2 Slot Number deposits online and opening the door for players to play real money games including poker, casino, and bingo. To prevent fraud Trinket 2 Slot Number and to protect the real money gamblers in the UK, the Gambling Commission was established in 2005. This commission is the sole body able to issue licenses to real money online.
Trinket refers to a type of armor worn in the trinket equipment slot. Trinkets are also called devices, gadgets and other references.
![Slot Slot](
Trinkets are itemized unlike any other type of armor. Whereas most high level armor will give moderate bonuses to four or five of the seven or eight stats useful to your particular class, a trinket will generally provide very large bonuses to just two stats. Typically, one bonus will be a flat always-on bonus, and the other will either be a use effect (that you must activate) or a proc (which will occasionally activate whenever you attack or are hit).
In a PvP context, 'to trinket' refers to using a PvP trinket.
Wow Trinket Slot Numbers
- A character can have up to 2 of these items equipped at a time. (In the very early classic alpha there were 4 trinket slots instead of 2.)
- Virtually no trinkets are available before about level 50. Exceptions include PvP trinkets and heirlooms, as well as some BoP crafted items.
- With rare exceptions, trinkets are obtained as quest rewards, as boss drops, through your professions, as PvP rewards or by purchasing with emblems. They are almost never available on the Auction House.
- Engineers can make several different kinds of trinkets, but most can only be used by other engineers.
- Alchemists can make several blue-quality trinkets at 400 skill, as well as the [Philosopher's Stone], which is necessary for transmutations.
- The only trinket Enchanters can make is [Smoking Heart of the Mountain].
- Jewelcrafters can make several trinkets, known as figurines, though all bind on pickup so crafters can only make trinkets for their own use.
- Only blacksmiths can obtain the quest trinket, [Signet of Expertise].
- There are many class-specific trinkets, such as the hunter's [Devilsaur Eye] and [Devilsaur Tooth] and the Zul'Gurub trinkets. There are none in content, however.
- Trinkets are normally taken into very different consideration than weapons and armor, as very few have actual stats on them. Instead, they often carry passive effects or can be used to produce a unique effect for a brief period with a cooldown between uses. Trinkets are often very situational, and a good player will often carry around many of them.
- After equipping a trinket, there is a 30-second delay before it can be used and any passive effect will start after the hidden internal cooldown, if any.
- Using a trinket often activates a shared cooldown on trinkets with similar effects.
- Using a trinket does not activate the Global Cooldown.
- Trinkets cannot be equipped when in combat.
- Trinkets in an action bar have a green border when equipped.
- DPS classes will almost always want to have a macro that activates all of their on-use trinkets at once, as well as temporary damage-boosting abilities like [Icy Veins] or [Avenging Wrath].
![Trinket Trinket](
Tier 5 Class Trinkets
- [Earring of Soulful Meditation]
- [Fathom-Brooch of the Tidewalker]
- [Living Root of the Wildheart]
- [Serpent-Coil Braid]
- [Solarian's Sapphire]
- [Talon of Al'ar]
- [Tome of Fiery Redemption]
- [Void Star Talisman]
- [Warp-Spring Coil]
Some Trinkets
Fun trinkets
- [Hook of the Master Angler]
- [Nifty Stopwatch]
- [Six Demon Bag]
- [Cannonball Runner]
- [Tiny Voodoo Mask]
See also
- 'Hands' redirects here. For the hozen, see Hands (hozen).
- 1Armor
- 2Non-armor
- 3Weapons
- 4Decorative
- 5Other
- 6Removed
There are 18 equipment slots on a character, as well as 4 bag slots above the Micro Menu and a mount equipment slot in the Mount Journal. The combination of equipment slot and item type is often the first categorization of items used.
The eight armor slots may have one of four types of armor: cloth, leather, mail, and plate. Each class may equip only certain types of armor.
- Equipment names
- helm, helmet, mask, lens, monocle, cap, headpiece, crown, circlet, shroud, cowl, hood, headband, goggles, coif, headdress, chapeau, barbute
- Upgrades
- Meta gems, Gems
- Equipment names
- amice, spaulders, pads, pauldrons, mantle, monnions, epaulets, shoulder, shoulderpads, shoulderguards
- Upgrades
- Shoulders enchants, Gems, Inscriptions (inscribers only)
- Equipment names
- robes, vest, tunic, armor, wraps, harness, hauberk, jerkin, chain, breastplate, blouse, chestpiece
- Upgrades
- Chest enchants and armor kits, Gems
- Equipment names
- bindings, armguards, cuffs, bracers, vambraces, wristguards, bracelets
- Upgrades
- Wrist enchants, Gems, Fur Lining (Leatherworkers only), [Socket Bracer] (Blacksmiths only)
- Equipment names
- gloves, gauntlets, mitts, mittens
- Upgrades
- Hands enchants and armor kits, Gems, Tinkers (Engineers only), [Socket Gloves] (Blacksmiths only)
- Equipment names
- belt, girdle, sash, cinch, cord
- Upgrades
- Belt Buckles, Gems, Tinkers (Engineers only)
- 'Legs' redirects here. For the companion, see [Legs].
- Equipment names
- chausses, trousers, breeches, leggings, kilt, dungarees, loincloth, woollies, pants, britches
- Upgrades
- Legs armor kits and spellthreads, Gems
- Equipment names
- boots, walkers, greaves, footwraps, sabatons, slippers, shoes, stompers, footpads
- Upgrades
- Feet enchants and armor kits, Gems
![Trinket Trinket](
Non-armor gear only has one type, so there will be nothing in the 'type' spot in item tooltips.
- Equipment names
- amulet, lei, talisman, medallion, necklace, charm, choker, chain, pendant, collar.
- Upgrades
- Gems
- Equipment names
- cape, blanket, cloak, drape, mantle
- Upgrades
- Back enchants, Gems, Embroideries (Tailors only), Tinkers (Engineers only)
- Equipment names
- ring, band, signet, seal, loop, circle.
- Upgrades
- Enchantments (Enchanters only), Gems
Two finger slots are available
- Upgrades
- Gems (Jewelcrafters only)
Two trinket slots are available
Main-Hand (One-Hand/Two-Hand)
One-hand items,
Two-hand items categories
![Trinket slot numbers Trinket slot numbers](
- Weapon types
- Axe, Bow, Crossbow, Dagger, Fist weapon, Gun, Mace, Polearm, Staff, Sword, Wand, Fishing Pole
- Upgrades
- Weapon enchants, Counterweights, Weapon Chains, Fishing line (fishing pole only)
The Main Hand slot can hold main hand, one-handed or two-handed weapons. If a two-handed weapon is equipped, the off-hand slot must be empty unless the character is a warrior with the [Titan's Grip] talent.
Off-Hand (One-Hand/Two-Hand)
- Weapon types
- Axe, Dagger, Held In Off-hand, Fist weapon, Mace, Shield, Sword
- Upgrades
- Enchantments, Counterweights, Weapon Chains, Shield Spike
The Off Hand slot can hold off hand or one-handed weapons (Dual wielding classes only), shields (warrior, paladin and shaman only) or Held In Off-hand frill items. If a two-handed weapon is equipped in the main hand slot, this slot must be empty unless the character is a Fury warrior with [Titan's Grip].
Decorative items only have one type, so there will be nothing in the 'type' spot in item tooltips. Decorative items have no stats and cannot be upgraded.
Ranged or Relic
Equipment slots in macros
When creating macros based on 'click to use' items (especially trinkets), the common practice is to enter the actual item name. However, using the numeric equipment slot identifiers eliminates the need to manually modify macros after upgrading a particular item.
Trinket Slot Numbers
These slot designations are particularly handy for engineers whose Tinker enhancements and Engineering-only items add and/or posses an 'on use' ability for items in the Back, Belt, Foot and Head slot that would not normally posses such capability for non-engineers.
Here are is a complete list of each equipment slot and its numeric designation for macro purposes
Slot | Number |
Head | 1 |
Neck | 2 |
Shoulder | 3 |
Shirt | 4 |
Chest | 5 |
Belt | 6 |
Legs | 7 |
Feet | 8 |
Wrist | 9 |
Gloves | 10 |
Finger 1 (Top) | 11 |
Finger 2 (Bottom) | 12 |
Trinket 1 (Top) | 13 |
Trinket 2 (Bottom) | 14 |
Back | 15 |
Main Hand | 16 |
Off Hand | 17 |
Tabard | 19 |
Patch changes
Trinket Slot Numbers Wow
- Patch 5.0.4 (2012-08-28): Range/Relic slots are being removed from all classes. Range weapons (bows, guns, wands) will use the main hand slot.
- Patch 4.0.1 (2010-10-12): The ammo mechanic was removed from the game, and the ammo slot was removed along with changing ammo items to gray items.